Sages should be well versed with the duties performed by people addicted to works. In place of confusing them they should guide them toward higher consciousness through their works.
Sages should be well=versed in performance in various modes, and guide ordinary men to the path of God through their works. They should never confuse the ignorant people, instead of that they should slowly motivate them to the path of God.
Sages dedicate their lives to guide others to the path of God. They do it completely unselfishly, in place of preaching others to the path of God they make their own lives an example, so that others follow them by themselves.
If an ignorant person is told repeatedly that working with addiction to the result will result in rebirth he will ultimately lose belief in such preachings. As a result his addiction will stay the same, but he will leave doing good things. He will think as he is addicted to its output it wont do him any good, so why take the trouble.
So, instead of confusing him a sage should guide him to perform his duties perfectly, then slowly lift him to upper level. By showing him whats good and whats bad.
Sages should always guide normal people to the path of desirelessness through desire.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
Very pertinent point :)
ReplyDeleteThose who know, should never interfere with the lives of other people or influence them towards any particular spiritual path whether it is good or bad. Only great ill will come out of it. Look at what happened between two of the greatest missionary religions in the world. They fought over the same god for hundreds of years. This is what result of forcibly making people follow an ideal or a philosophy.
Instead they need to be aware of the path that the others are interested in and try to help them solve the riddles they see in their path when they come to the knower out of their own volition.
This has been stressed again and again by all wise and liberated souls in the world. To be free to accept any course of life, irrespective of their nature is the greatest of value you can ever have. If there is a sin in the world, it is bondage.
Be very bad even but be free as Vivekananda stressed often. Being bad to the core because you took to it out of free will is much much more greater and better than being very good because some one taught you to be so.
Liberation would never come out of bondage, truth can only be found by free souls, intrepid souls and not by slaves.
So never teach liberation, only suggest a course of action suited to the frame of mind of the individual concerned.
Very good point dearest Trisha, wonderful point.
dearest sam,
ReplyDeletethe more i am reading shreemadbhagwat the more i am getting bowled over by the immense wisdom of our ancestors... Boy!!!! were they wise or were they wise!!!
I really too admired the meaning of this shloka and agree with it to the core.
its so very wise, is not it? if we tell a normal man that by working with desire for output will bind you in the circle of rebirth he will grumble to no end :) and finally will do only the tnings he wants..
i used to be like that as a child, punish me falsely and i will do that thing.. then i realized that its the kalidasa thing.. axing the branch on which i am sitting :)
They were very wise, those ancient gentlemen of this land, some of the things they thought will revolutionize your life if you learn them.
ReplyDeleteWell you have started on Veda's when you reach Vedanta your entire perception may change :)
Happy reading dearest Trisha :)
dearest sam,
ReplyDeletei wish i could procure simple translations of the vedas, do you have any idea about any such translation in bengali (most preferred) or hindi.. not english, and of course you know i dont earn a single dime so dont suggest me a thousand rupee priced book :)
I will check and tell you afterwards. I really don't know if I can find Bengali translations. I have some little knowledge of Hindi ( very little mind you.) Learned it in school under the three language programme. But Begali, not even the letters!
ReplyDeleteBut I will check though!
dearest sam,
ReplyDeleteyes, i forgot that part :) i will download and see the file which you have sent me.
the bengali translation which i have is actually translated by some one from UP, so the original must have been in hindi, from there it has been translated to bengali.
i think it was my sheer luck that i got my hands on this..
Unfortunately I could not find any Bengali or Hindi Translations of Rig Veda on the net
ReplyDeleteHere is a pdf version of it by Ralph T.H. Griffith translated in 1896. It has been severely bashed by Aurobindo it seems. I haven't read it. I will have a go at it and tell you of it later.
There could be any number of translation of the Vedas in Bengali. In fact Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar were the pioneers in translating veda's into Bengali and English I think. It all began in Bengal the way I see it. You could get hold of their books from any good library I believe. Try some in the locality, you would strike a goldmine.
dearest sam,
ReplyDeletecant blame rishi aurobindo, i really wonder how much western people can feel hinduism's deep phillosophy, esp the worshipping of so many Gods, Goddesses and natural powers..
i truly wonder. they may try to translate it word to word but will always slip at one or other place (i wont say indians will be perfect, but they will be able to fill in the blanks more expertly than our brothers/sisters from west)