Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Greed is the root cause of all sins. Greed or desire inevitably brings sin with it. desire later blinds conscience, as a result man loses the sense of good and evil, and indulges into sin. Inivitin his own down fall. That is why desire is called the reason of greater sins and should must be destroyed.

When man gets attracted to material things desire forms. Desire subdues conscience and sensory organs start to rule our life. As conscience is blinded by desire man starts to look for pleasure, hunger for money follows and ends up with his destruction.

That is why Geeta says to refrain the sensory organs from getting indulged in material pleasures. When a person performs his duties and restrains from other things sensory organs come to his control by themselves.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Destroying desire

The sensory organs, mind and intelligence-these three are the dwelling place of desire. Desire clouds wisdom using these three tools, and finally opens the road to self destruction.

When the desire first raises its head man wants to enjoy the world through his sensory organs. In the early stages there is scarcity of materials, later that scarcity is over but these materials are shortlived (as per nature’s law). That doesnot reasons with a man who is determined to enjoy—he strives for them and tries to get them at any cost, by any means.

Thus desire first lures the indriyas – the sensory organs, then together they trap mind. Then all of them cloud wisdom and intelligence. The pathway to fall is paved for a person who identifies his existence by his “body” his “physical being”. Because if he knew that “body” is not him, “soul” is, his true self would have shunned all desires at the first place.

In next few shlokas the path of destroying desire is shown.

Friday, October 16, 2009

True guidance

Sages should be well versed with the duties performed by people addicted to works. In place of confusing them they should guide them toward higher consciousness through their works.

Sages should be well=versed in performance in various modes, and guide ordinary men to the path of God through their works. They should never confuse the ignorant people, instead of that they should slowly motivate them to the path of God.

Sages dedicate their lives to guide others to the path of God. They do it completely unselfishly, in place of preaching others to the path of God they make their own lives an example, so that others follow them by themselves.

If an ignorant person is told repeatedly that working with addiction to the result will result in rebirth he will ultimately lose belief in such preachings. As a result his addiction will stay the same, but he will leave doing good things. He will think as he is addicted to its output it wont do him any good, so why take the trouble.

So, instead of confusing him a sage should guide him to perform his duties perfectly, then slowly lift him to upper level. By showing him whats good and whats bad.

Sages should always guide normal people to the path of desirelessness through desire.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Yagnya.. the homage

When works are done for any other purpose but performance of duty- addiction occurs, and man gets addicted. Hence one should perform without addiction with the sole purpose of performance of one’s duty.

This shloka of geeta says:

Performing one’s duty is performing worship (yagnya). Doing one’s job, business, teaching etc as a duty is also worship as per geeta.

Every thing which is done for the sake of others is called yagnya/worship as per geeta. The person who can perform only for others soon gets over addiction to results.

A sage should never perform for own pleasure, happiness, pride or glory. These are counted as addiction, Geeta doesnot forbids performance, it asks to shun performing with desire.

Performance of our duty with desire of own happiness, fame, prosperity or luxury binds us to life or karma or rebirth.