The sensory organs, mind and intelligence-these three are the dwelling place of desire. Desire clouds wisdom using these three tools, and finally opens the road to self destruction.
When the desire first raises its head man wants to enjoy the world through his sensory organs. In the early stages there is scarcity of materials, later that scarcity is over but these materials are shortlived (as per nature’s law). That doesnot reasons with a man who is determined to enjoy—he strives for them and tries to get them at any cost, by any means.
Thus desire first lures the indriyas – the sensory organs, then together they trap mind. Then all of them cloud wisdom and intelligence. The pathway to fall is paved for a person who identifies his existence by his “body” his “physical being”. Because if he knew that “body” is not him, “soul” is, his true self would have shunned all desires at the first place.
In next few shlokas the path of destroying desire is shown.
wild wind blows free
14 years ago
True, dearest Trisha, if we take a little time to think it over we will quickly realize that we can't possess anything in life.
ReplyDeletePhysical attraction, the most powerful of all attractions is often a yearning for desire than desire itself. But foolishly we run after it every time forgetting that we can't possess nothing and no one in our life. The only true thing we have with us at all times is our 'Self' and we don't have to run anywhere to find it.
Strangely it is the most difficult thing to understand for most of the people. It should not be. May be I feel so because I have been in touch with monism from a very young age in my life and it has become a part of me.
Anyway if you are learning it afresh it might terrify you initially and make you rethink everything you know about life. That is why it has been called the "walking on a razors edge" a very frightening prospect to those who are deep into the worldly things.
This happens to the best intellects in the world. Once you begin to learn who you are all the flimsy paraphernalia that you have accumulated in life withers away and you stand without any props before yourself.
Only those who has taken the path knows for what it is. Others who cling to the fantastical life they have erroneously accepted would cringe and run and hide from this illumination and would resort to every silly philosophical formulation to try to "save" themselves from the predicament. Only the very strong can walk this path dearest Trisha. Only the very very strong.
It takes some doing to realize that all that we see around us is only fiction and is created from our own true selves. Ordinary mortals would never ever come to understand or even admit the possibility of such a thing. It needs an intellect which is sharp and learning which works in the back ground to cement this notion.
Self the only power in the whole universe, is unattainable to most because they run from it, hide from it, and would do murder and commit every sort of sin to get away from it. They like this silly play called life, which is nothing but a farce, with its foolish heavens and hells and gods and goddesses. It is easier to believe in this insensible fiction than to turn towards truth which is revolutionary and destructive to all our foolish fancies about our life and its 'delights'
Some are totally blind not to understand this even if it is stated in the clearest forms to them, they may take hundreds of rebirths( and I am not joking, they will go through them whether they believe in them or not) to come to the truth. Others who have inkling of the truth are so afraid of it that they would think of anything else than this.
Yet others would resort to all kinds of sooth sayings to believe in the delusional reality they find themselves in.
One can only wonder at this farce that is in progress.
What is monism?
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your views, you have wonderfully explained the mindset of social beings..
our greatest weakness is we run and hide from ourselves, the only thing in this world which is truly ours and is completely under our own control..
fantastic. i simply loved your explanation.
i will be updating this blog every wednesday. story blog took all my attention.. :)